Mercedes Service Brisbane
Why travel across Brisbane for a Mercedes mechanic, when at EuroAus we provide log book servicing that won't compromise your warranty?
Caring for your Mercedes Benz
High performance engines are designed to run on the highest octane fuel. While the fuel flap on your Mercedes Benz might say “95”, in Australia the highest octane fuel is actually 98. The confusion has arisen because 95 in Europe and America is the equivalent of our 98. As an experienced Mercedes mechanic workshop, we advise against using cheaper fuel as it will reduce the performance and economy of your engine in the short-term. Over the long term, it will lead to the need for major repairs such as carbon cleaning, replacement of the injectors or other engine components.
The other important thing to remember is that following the recommended Mercedes service schedule is the best way to keep your vehicle in tip-top condition.
Although issues tend to be rare, occasionally during a routine service we notice minor problems (eg with bushes or brakes) that are best dealt with quickly - before they have a chance to cause any knock-on effects.
Your Local Mercedes Mechanic
If you live in the Redlands or surrounding areas, EuroAus Automotive and Performance is your local euro car service specialist. As a dealer alternative, we carry all the latest diagnostic tooling and equipment and only use quality products to comply with the manufacturer’s standards.
We provide level A to G log book servicing, and most repairs for your Mercedes, as well as suspension, tyres and wheel alignments. While we specialise in German auto service, we aim to be a one stop shop for all your Euro vehicle needs .
We also offer a range of performance options for Mercedes Benz, from ECU Remapping to performance rebuilds. Call today for a free quote on (07) 3823 2882.
Mercedes Service Brisbane
A to G Log Book Servicing - Brakes - Tyres - Suspension - Interior Repairs (eg roof lining and dashboard) - Gearbox - Engine Rebuilds - Electrics - Computer Diagnostics - Performance Upgrades